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《生物科學雜志》(Revista Bio Ciencias)是一本以BIOLOGY綜合研究為特色的國際期刊。該刊由Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit出版商該刊已被國際重要權威數據庫SCIE收錄。期刊聚焦BIOLOGY領域的重點研究和前沿進展,及時刊載和報道該領域的研究成果,致力于成為該領域同行進行快速學術交流的信息窗口與平臺。該刊2023年影響因子為0.5。
Revista Bio Ciencias is a scientific journal published by the Universidad Aut ó noma de Nayarit in Mexico, focusing on research in the fields of biology, agriculture, animal husbandry, and fisheries science. The publication cycle of this journal is semi annual, aiming to disseminate high-quality technical information and promote reflection on current paradigms and trends in biological science, which can be disciplinary, interdisciplinary, or cross disciplinary.
The magazine is committed to publishing high-quality original research papers, review articles, technical reports, and reviews, aiming to promote knowledge progress and technological innovation in the field of biological sciences. The magazine emphasizes the originality and scientificity of research results, and all published articles must undergo a rigorous peer review process to ensure the academic quality and research depth of the content. It not only provides a window for the academic community to showcase research results, but also provides a platform for the public interested in biological sciences to learn about the latest developments in the field. Through open access, the journal enables research results to be accessed by a wider readership, promoting the popularization of scientific knowledge and the dissemination of biological science culture.
《生物科學雜志》是由墨西哥Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit出版的一份科學期刊,專注于生物學、農業、畜牧業和漁業科學領域的研究。該期刊的出版周期為半年刊,旨在傳播高質量的技術信息,并促進對生物學科學當前范式和趨勢的反思,這些研究可以是學科性的、跨學科性的或跨學科性的。
按JIF指標學科分區 | 收錄子集 | 分區 | 排名 | 百分位 |
學科:BIOLOGY | ESCI | Q4 | 93 / 109 |
15.1% |
按JCI指標學科分區 | 收錄子集 | 分區 | 排名 | 百分位 |
學科:BIOLOGY | ESCI | Q4 | 100 / 109 |
8.72% |
Gold OA文章占比 | 研究類文章占比 | 文章自引率 |
82.35% | 98.04% | |
開源占比 | 出版國人文章占比 | OA被引用占比 |