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《零售與營銷評論》(Retail And Marketing Review)是一本以BUSINESS綜合研究為特色的國際期刊。該刊該刊已被國際重要權威數據庫SCIE收錄。期刊聚焦BUSINESS領域的重點研究和前沿進展,及時刊載和報道該領域的研究成果,致力于成為該領域同行進行快速學術交流的信息窗口與平臺。該刊2023年影響因子為0.2。
Retail and Marketing Review is an academic journal dedicated to the fields of retail and marketing. Intended to provide a platform for scholars, practitioners, and related professionals in the retail and marketing fields to exchange and share research results, practical experience, and cutting-edge perspectives. It focuses on the analysis and exploration of various phenomena, trends, and marketing strategies in the retail industry, and holds an important position in the academic and practical applications of retail and marketing.
This magazine covers research on strategic planning, operational management, supply chain management, store layout and display of retail enterprises. For example, exploring how to optimize the supply chain to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and the impact of different store layouts and display methods on consumer purchasing behavior. In depth analysis of consumer behavior patterns, decision-making processes, preference changes, etc. in the retail environment. This includes studying consumers' reactions to different promotional activities, the formation mechanism of brand loyalty, and the differences in online and offline shopping behavior. Pay attention to the application and effectiveness evaluation of various marketing methods and strategies in the retail field. The specific practices of social media marketing, experiential marketing, relationship marketing, etc. in the retail industry, as well as how to develop effective pricing, promotion, and product mix strategies.
按JIF指標學科分區 | 收錄子集 | 分區 | 排名 | 百分位 |
學科:BUSINESS | ESCI | Q4 | 288 / 302 |
4.8% |
按JCI指標學科分區 | 收錄子集 | 分區 | 排名 | 百分位 |
學科:BUSINESS | ESCI | Q4 | 284 / 302 |
6.13% |
Gold OA文章占比 | 研究類文章占比 | 文章自引率 |
0.00% | 94.12% | |
開源占比 | 出版國人文章占比 | OA被引用占比 |