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《拉脫維亞物理與技術科學雜志》(Latvian Journal Of Physics And Technical Sciences)是一本以PHYSICS, APPLIED綜合研究為特色的國際期刊。該刊由Sciendo出版商該刊已被國際重要權威數據庫SCIE收錄。期刊聚焦PHYSICS, APPLIED領域的重點研究和前沿進展,及時刊載和報道該領域的研究成果,致力于成為該領域同行進行快速學術交流的信息窗口與平臺。該刊2023年影響因子為0.5。CiteScore指數值為1.5。
The Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences is an academic journal dedicated to the fields of physics and engineering technology. Although specific information about this magazine is not directly provided in the search results, it can be inferred that this magazine may cover multiple branches of physics, such as theoretical physics, experimental physics, condensed matter physics, optics, and related engineering and technology fields, including but not limited to materials science, electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, etc.
As an academic journal in Latvia, it may provide a platform for researchers and engineers in Latvia and around the world to publish original research results and engage in academic exchanges. Magazines may include research papers, review articles, technical reports, and case studies aimed at promoting knowledge development and technological innovation in the fields of physics and technical sciences. Considering that Latvia is a country with a rich history in the fields of science and engineering, this magazine may also reflect the latest research trends and academic achievements in these areas. In addition, Latvia's research environment and academic atmosphere may provide a rich source of high-quality articles for this journal.
《拉脫維亞物理與技術科學雜志》(Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences)是一本專注于物理學和工程技術領域的學術期刊。雖然搜索結果中沒有直接提供關于這本雜志的具體信息,但可以推測這本雜志可能涵蓋了物理學的多個分支,如理論物理、實驗物理、凝聚態物理、光學以及相關工程技術領域,包括但不限于材料科學、電子工程、機械工程等。
按JIF指標學科分區 | 收錄子集 | 分區 | 排名 | 百分位 |
學科:PHYSICS, APPLIED | ESCI | Q4 | 175 / 179 |
2.5% |
按JCI指標學科分區 | 收錄子集 | 分區 | 排名 | 百分位 |
學科:PHYSICS, APPLIED | ESCI | Q4 | 168 / 179 |
6.42% |
Gold OA文章占比 | 研究類文章占比 | 文章自引率 |
100.00% | 92.00% | |
開源占比 | 出版國人文章占比 | OA被引用占比 |
CiteScore | SJR | SNIP | CiteScore 指數 | ||||||||||||
1.5 | 0.158 | 0.243 |
名詞解釋:CiteScore是基于Scopus數據庫的全新期刊評價體系。CiteScore 2021 的計算方式是期刊最近4年(含計算年度)的被引次數除以該期刊近四年發表的文獻數。CiteScore基于全球最廣泛的摘要和引文數據庫Scopus,適用于所有連續出版物,而不僅僅是期刊。目前CiteScore 收錄了超過 26000 種期刊,比獲得影響因子的期刊多13000種。被各界人士認為是影響因子最有力的競爭對手。