時間:2022-04-13 21:53:32
1.0 前言
近15年,體裁(genre)和體裁分析(genre analysis)成為第一語言和第二語言教學領域里的熱門話題(Hyon 1996)。我國不少專家、學者都試圖把這種理論應用在具有特定交際目的的篇章上,如分析農業英語論文摘要(易興霞,2006),分析應用語言學領域學術文章的宏觀和微觀結構(楊瑞英,2006)英語專業畢業論文,分析商務促銷類語篇(王宏俐, 郭繼榮,2006)等。本文擬從Bhatia的英文促銷信的體裁分析模式入手,分析主要交際目的為說服潛在客戶購買商家所提供的產品或接受其服務的英文促銷信的表現形式,圖式結構和特殊信息,并通過分析語義的文化預設和搭配意義,加深對促銷信的語言表面特征的認識。
語言學中的體裁(genre)不同于文學中的體裁。Swales (1990: 45-58) 認為體裁是在特定社會文化背景下對人類交際事件進行分類的結果。所謂交際事件就是人們按照特定目的和特定程式運用語言在社會中辦事的實例。新加坡的Bhatia (1993:13-16)在 Swales的體裁理論基礎上做了進一步的完善, 認為:1)體裁是一種可辨認的交際事件;2)體裁不是一般的交際事件 ,而是一種內部結構特征鮮明,高度約定俗成的交際事件;3)在建構語篇時 ,必須遵循某種特定體裁所要求的慣例;4)盡管體裁有其慣例和制約性, 內行人仍可在體裁規定內傳達個人意圖和交際目的。因此交際目的往往決定應該使用哪種體裁,而體裁的常規性又維我們提供了可以遵循的體裁結構潛勢。
體裁分析是20 世紀90 年代由Swales (1990)和Bhatia (1993)發展起來的一種分析方法。他們認為任何體裁都是由一系列的語輪構成,語步(move)和步驟( step)是語篇分析的出發點。Swales的層次動向法(move approach)常用在具體的體裁分析中,即根據不同的交際目的,對某一語篇按照意義與功能劃出層次,然后再根據層次來考察分析語言的表達形式。Swales 沒有對語步和步驟提出明確的定義,但Nwogu (1997)認為語步是一個由一系列詞匯,主題意義和修辭特征所標明的具有統一意義傾向的語篇片斷,步驟是實現語步的可供選擇的修辭策略,一個語步可以由一個或多個步驟來實現。例如英語專業畢業論文,Bhatia (1993:62)根據體裁“ 語步 (moves) 和步驟( steps)”分析理論,將推銷體裁概括成七個 “語步” (move) :1. Establishing credentials (確立資格證明) ; 2. Introducing the offer (介紹推銷內容):⑴offering the product orservice (介紹產品或服務) ,⑵ Essential detailing of the offer (介紹推銷內容的重要細節) , ⑶Indicating value of the offer (指明推銷內容的價值) ; 3. Offering incentives (激勵購買) ; 4.Enclosing documents (附寄文件) ; 5. Soliciting response(請求回復) ; 6. Using pressure tactics (采用壓力策略) ; 7. Ending politely (禮貌收尾)。在以上七個“語步” 中 ,第二語步 Introducing the offer 又是由三個步驟(step)組成的。
3.2 促銷信的內在宏觀結構
一封成功的促銷信在內在結構上 ,基本遵循Bhatia 的七個 “語步”的模式 ,通過吸引客戶的注意、向客戶詳細介紹所推銷的產品或服務并索求回復等語篇片斷來實現說服潛在客戶購買所推銷產品或服務的交際目的。下面我們從Bhatia的英文促銷信的體裁分析模式入手英語專業畢業論文,來具體討論促銷信的層次動向。。
Dear customer,
⑴Theunion bakers would like to announce a great offer this Valentine day. Every two kg cakeyou buy you get raffle ticket which allows you to enter into a draw which willgive you a chance to win a dinner for two at a three star hotel. You can have awonderful dinner with your loved one on the eve of Valentine’s Day.
⑵ Thebakers will arrange for the pickup and drop to the venue and you can enjoy thedinner along with the dance party at the three star hotels.
⑶Don’tyou think it will be fun to take your girlfriend or boyfriend out for dinner ona valentine’s day and make the day a special one? Imagine all that fun you havewith your loved one with tasty cuisine and exciting and thrilling dance party.To top it all you can meet famous singer and dancer who is the guest of honorthat day.
⑷Visitany of our outlets to get more information. Hurry and buy a wonderful tastycake for your loved one.
⑸Sincethe offer is valid till (time how long).please act now.
這封促銷信由五段組成,第一段的第一句是第一個語步: Establishing credentials (確立資格證明),通過提及在情人節要提供的一項服務來吸引顧客的注意力;第一段的第二句到第三段是第二個語步:Introducing the offer (介紹推銷內容)。第二個語步由三個步驟組成:⑴offering the product or service (介紹產品或服務) ,⑵ Essentialdetailing of the offer (介紹推銷內容的重要細節) , ⑶Indicating value of the offer (指明推銷內容的價值) 。第一段的第二句是第一個步驟,主要介紹了即將推出的服務——每買兩公斤蛋糕就能抽簽,就有機會贏得在三星級賓館的兩人晚宴;第一段的第三句和第二段是第二個步驟,詳細介紹推銷服務的細節——情人節前夕在三星級賓館和摯愛共進晚餐、共舞;第三段是第三個步驟,主要指出推銷服務的精神價值——使情人節過得特別,并能遇到明星。第二個語步是促銷信最為重要的部分,決定能否幫助顧客認識商品或服務所帶來的利益,從而達到引起顧客的注意和興趣、喚起需求、最終采取購買行為的目的。第四段是第三、四個語步:Offering incentives (激勵購買)和Soliciting response(請求回復)。第四段第一句是請求顧客做出回復——到銷售點尋求更多信息;第二句是鼓勵有購買傾向的顧客下定決心。第五段是第五個語步:Using pressure tactics (采用壓力策略),Sincerely和簽名是第六個語步:Ending politely (禮貌收尾),作為傳統信件獨特的結尾方式,這一語步在促銷信中也很常見。
與Bhatia的七個語步模式略有不同的是:這封促銷信并沒有Enclosing documents (附寄文件)這一語步;而且Offeringincentives (激勵購 買)和Soliciting response(請求回復)的順序也有所不同。王宏俐, 郭繼榮(2006)認為,在語篇構建中常使用的語步是核心語步英語專業畢業論文,不太出現的輔語步是外圍語步,在促銷信中,第一、二、四語步是核心語步,由于Enclosing documents (附寄文件)這一語步是外圍語步,銷售者可根據情況決定是否使用;至于語步順序,盡管促銷信是專門用途英語里的一種,有其慣例和制約性,但我們仍可在體裁規定內傳達個人意圖和交際目的。
3.3 促銷信的文化預設和搭配意義
Leech(1981:17)認為:搭配意義是指一個詞與另一個詞連用搭配時使得該詞的意義隨語境而發生的變化。因此促銷信在詞的搭配上非常注意。促銷信使用的形容詞大多是描述性和評價性的,多為褒義詞,例如:great, wonderful, special, tasty, exciting, thrilling, famous,wonderful, 這些形容詞為收信人勾勒出一幅浪漫、激情、美味的晚餐情景。盡管這是一封書信,但口語詞匯多余書面語詞匯,淺顯易懂、簡潔明晰。銷售者為了推銷商品或者服務,常常直接使用反問疑問句和祈使句,增強引導功能,說服或敦促收信人采取購買行動。
3.4 總結
體裁分析超越了對語篇語言特征的簡單描述,力求解釋語篇的理據, 探討語篇結構背后的社會文化因素和心理認知因素, 揭示實現交際背景的特殊方式和語篇結構的規范性。促銷信具是專門用途英語的一種,把促銷信這一體裁語篇看作是一個有規律的有結構的層次動向的組合的思想, 有助于我們更好地理解這種信函體裁,寫出目的明確、結構清晰、用詞準確的促銷信。
1.Hyon, Sunny. Genre in Three Traditions:Implications for ESL [J]. TESOL Quarterly, 30/ 4 :693-722, 1996.
2.易興霞.體裁分析與農業英語論文摘要[J]. 西安外國語學院學報,2006(9):28-31.
3.楊瑞英.體裁分析的應用:應用語言學學術文章結構分析[J]. 外語與外語教學,2006(10):29-34.
4.王宏俐,郭繼榮.體裁分析與商務促銷類語篇[J]. 外語教學,2006(7): 32-37.
5.Swales, J. M. Genre Analysis: English inAcademic and Research Settings [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.
6.Bhatia, V. K. Analyzing Genre: Language Usein Professional Settings [M]. London: Longman, 1993.
7.Nwogu, K. N. The Medical Research Paper: Structureand Function [J]. English for Specific Purposes, 199 16 (2): 119-138.
2.1The history of British English 3
2.2 The history of American English 4
3. Grammar differences between British English and American English 6
3.1 Lexical differences 6
3.1.1The different use of collective nouns in their single or plural forms 7
3.1.2 Differences in verb 7 Differences in the inflectional endings of verbs 7 use of present perfect tenses 8 Different use of transitive and intransitive verbs 8 Different use of "have" 9
3.1.3 Different use of function words 9 Different use of preposition and adverb 9 Different use of auxiliary verb 10 Differences in articles 11
3.2 Syntactical differences 12
3.2.1 Differences in compound object 12
3.2.2 Presence or absence of syntactic elements 13
3.2.3 Different use of subjunctive mood 13
4. The differences between British English and the special form of American English—Black English 14
5. The tendency of the development of British English and American English 17
6. Conclusion 17
Acknowledgements 19
References 19
There is one play in the famous American TV series Friends: Ross will go to England to marry Emily, suddenly Rachel decides to show his love to Ross and goes to England either, so his friend Phoebe makes a call to tell the news to Ross and Emily, Emily’s housekeeper answers the call. The dialogue as follows:
Housekeeper: The Waltham Residence.
Phoebe: Oh...yes…is this…umm…Emily’s Parents’ house?
Housekeeper: This is the housekeeper speaking. And by the way, young lady, that is not how one addresses oneself on the telephone. First one identifies oneself and then asks for the person with whom one wishes to speak.
Phoebe: (In a British accent)This is Phoebe Buffay. I was wondering, please, if-if it’s not too much trouble, please, umm,might I speak to Miss Emily Waltham, please?
Housekeeper: Miss Waltham is at the rehearsal dinner and it’s not polite to make fun of people. Goodbye.
Phoebe: No,no,no, I’ll be nice, I swear!!! Could you just give me the number for where they are?
Housekeeper: I’m afraid, I’m not at liberty to divulge that information.
Phoebe: Ok, somebody is on their way to ruin wedding okay. And I have to warn somebody, alright. So if you don’t give me that number then I’m going to come over there and kick your snooty ass all the way to New Glocken...shire.
Housekeeper: Hangs up[1]
We can see from the above dialogue that British English is more serious and formal than American English. The American speaks at will while the Englishmen speak gently. As we all know the two major varieties of English used by people as native language are British and American English. There seems to be little differences between the two varieties but the influences are very different. On some occasion we may have some mistakes in communication, in order to help the English speakers and learners understand the two varieties better and to eliminate troubles that may prevent communication and English writing, so I will make analysis on the grammar differences between British English and American English.
2. British English and American English
Nowadays English has developed into a global language. The fact that such a large number of people all around the world speak English means that there are many dialects and varieties. The two major varieties of English used by people as native language are British and American English. As a message carrier, English fully reflects the unique culture possessed by the British and American countries. Since in Dissertations on the English Language, Noah Webster pointed out “several circumstances render a feature separation of the American tongue from the English necessary and unavoidable.”
2.1 The History of British English
English is a West Germanic language which originated from the Anglo-Frisian dialects brought to Britain by Germanic settlers from various parts of what is now northwest Germany and the northern Netherlands. Initially, Old English was a diverse group of dialects, reflecting the varied origins of the Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms of England. One of these dialects, Late West Saxon, eventually came to dominate. The original Old English language was then influenced by two waves of invasion: the first by speakers of the Scandinavian branch of the Germanic language family, who conquered and colonized parts of Britain in the 8th and 9th centuries; the second by the Normans in the 11th century, who spoke Old Norman and ultimately developed an English variety of this called Anglo-Norman. These two invasions caused English to become "mixed" to some degree, though it was never a truly mixed language in the strict linguistic sense of the word, as mixed languages arise from the cohabitation of speakers of different languages, who develop a hybrid tongue for basic communication.
Cohabitation with the Scandinavians resulted in a significant grammatical simplification and lexical enrichment of the Anglo-Frisian core of English; the later Norman occupation led to the grafting onto that Germanic core of a more elaborate layer of words from the Romance languages. This Norman influence entered English largely through the courts and government. Thus, English developed into a "borrowing" language of great flexibility, resulting in an enormous and varied vocabulary. It mainly divided into four periods.
(1)Proto-English (the 5th century AD)[2]
The languages of Germanic tribes gave rise to the English language (the Angles, Saxons, Frisians, Jutes and perhaps even the Franks), who traded and fought with the Latin-speaking Roman Empire in the centuries-long process of the Germanic peoples' expansion into Western Europe. Many Latin words for common objects entered the vocabulary of these Germanic peoples before any of their tribes reached Britain; examples include camp, cheese, cook, fork, inch, kettle, kitchen, linen, mile, mill, mint (coin), noon, pillow, pin, pound, punt (boat), street and wall. The Romans also gave the English language words which they had themselves borrowed from other languages: anchor, butter, chest, devil, dish, sack and wine.
(2)Old English(AD 450—1100)[2]
The invaders' Germanic language replaced the indigenous Brythonic languages. (form one of the two branches of the Insular Celtic language family, the other being Goidelic)The original Celtic languages remained in parts of Scotland, Wales and Cornwall. The dialects spoken by the Anglo-Saxons formed what is now called Old English. Later, it was strongly influenced by the North Germanic language Norse, spoken by the Vikings (is one of the Norse (Scandinavian) explorers, warriors, merchants, and pirates who raided and colonized wide areas of Europe from the late eighth to the early eleventh century.)who invaded and settled mainly in the north-east of England. The new and the earlier settlers spoke languages from different branches of the Germanic family; many of their lexical roots were the same or similar, although their grammars were more distinct, including the prefix, suffix and inflection patterns for many words. The Germanic language of these Old English-speaking inhabitants was influenced by contact with Norse invaders, which might have been responsible for some of the morphological simplification of Old English, including the loss of grammatical gender and explicitly marked case (with the notable exception of the pronouns). The most famous surviving work from the Old English period is a fragment of the epic poem "Beowulf" composed by an unknown poet; it is thought to have been substantially modified, probably by Christian clerics long after its composition.
(3)Middle English(AD 1066-1470)[2]
For about 300 years following the Norman Conquest in 1066, the Norman kings and their high nobility spoke only one of the langues d'oïl called Anglo-Norman, whilst English continued to be the language of the common people. Various contemporary sources suggest that within fifty years of the invasion, most of the Normans outside the royal court spoke English, with French remaining the prestige language of government and law, largely out of social inertia. For example, Orderic Vitalis, a historian born in 1075 and the son of a Norman knight, said that he learned French only as a second language. A tendency for French-derived words to have more formal connotations has continued to the present day; most modern English speakers would consider a "cordial reception" (from French) to be more formal than a "hearty welcome" (Germanic). Another example is the very unusual construction of the words for animals being separated from the words for their food products e.g. beef and pork (from the French bœuf and porc) being the products of the Germanically named animals 'cow' and 'pig'.
(4)Modern English(1500 up to the present)[2]
Modern English can be divided into two parts: early modern english(1500-1800)and late modern English. Modern English is often dated from the Great Vowel Shift, which took place mainly during the 15th century. English was further transformed by the spread of a standardized London-based dialect in government and administration and by the standardizing effect of printing. By the time of William Shakespeare (mid-late 16th century), the language had become clearly recognizable as Modern English.
English has continuously adopted foreign words, especially from Latin and Greek, since the Renaissance. (In the 17th century, Latin words were often used with the original inflections, but these eventually disappeared). As there are many words from different languages and English spelling is variable, the risk of mispronunciation is high, but remnants of the older forms remain in a few regional dialects, most notably in the West Country.
In 1755, Samuel Johnson published the first significan t English dictionary, his Dictionary of the English Language.
2.2 The history of American English
During the 17th century, or more precisely on May 14, 1607, the first English settlers landed in Virginia. This was a group of 104 London entrepreneurs and they established the first English colony in Jamestown. Later on, in 1620, the Pilgrim Fathers, settlers from England, landed in Massachusetts, and also brought the English language over the Atlantic Ocean to America and another variety of English was born, American English. This variety is the largest of all the English varieties, since as many as 70% of the native English speakers live in the US. American English has preserved a number of words and features from the English spoken in England at the time of the settlement, which have now been changed in British English.
The history of American English can be divided into the colonial (1607-1776), the national (1776-1898), and the international (1898-present) periods. During nearly four hundred years of use in North America, the English language changed in small ways in pronunciation and grammar but extensively in vocabulary and in the attitude of its speakers. English settlements along the Atlantic Coast during the seventeenth century provided the foundation for English as a permanent language in the New World. But the English of the American colonies was bound to become distinct from that of the motherland. When people do not talk with one another, they begin to talk differently. The Atlantic Ocean served as an effective barrier to oral communication between the colonists and those who stayed in England, ensuring that their speech would evolve in different directions.[3]
Americans also came cheek-to-jowl with "Amerindians" of several linguistic stocks, as well as French and Dutch speakers. They had to talk in new ways to communicate with their new neighbors. Moreover, the settlers had come from various districts and social groups of England, so there was a homogenizing effect: those in a given colony came to talk more like one another and less like any particular community in England. All these influences combined to make American English a distinct variety of the language. In the United States, there are also regional differences, and these are ultimately descendants of a mixture of accents spoken in the British Isles at the time of the settlement of America. Dialect boundaries in the US tend to run from east to west. The first immigrants settled along the Atlantic coast and they spread from east to west across the continent and took some dialect forms, for example words and pronunciation features, with them. The dialect areas in North America are much larger than they are in England, mainly because English has been spoken in England for about 1,500 years, but in America for only approximately 300 years. Because of America’s recent settlement, there has not been enough time for linguistic changes and this is why there are not so many dialect differences in this large country.
3. Grammar differences between British English and American English
English grammar is the set of rules within the English language itself. "An English grammar"(one kind of grammar system)is a specific study or analysis of these rules. In linguistics, grammar refers to the logical and structural rules that govern the composition of sentences, phrases, and words in any given natural language. The term refers also to the study of such rules, and this field includes lexicology and syntax, often complemented by phonetics, phonology, semantics, and pragmatics. I mainly make analysis on the lexical and syntactical differences between British English and American English.
3.1 Lexical Differences
Lexicology is that part of linguistics which studies words, their nature and meaning, words’ elements, relations between words (semantical relations), words groups and the whole lexicon. Lexical differences mean relating to the words’ differences of a language.
3.1.1 The different use of collective nouns in their single or plural forms
Collective nouns such as “team, faculty, family, government” often take plural verb agreement and plural pronoun substitution in Britain English, but they nearly always take singular agreement and singular pronoun substitution in American English. There is a tendency in Britain English, to stress the individuality of the members, which is reflected in plural verb agreement and pronoun substitution, whereas American English Strongly tends to stress the unitary function of the group, which is reflected in singular verb and pronoun forms.[4] 6
Some examples:
Your team is doing well this year, isn’t it? (AmE)
Your team are doing well this year, aren’t they? (BrE)
3.1.2 Differences in Verb
In syntax, a verb is a word (part of speech) that usually denotes an action (bring, read), an occurrence (decompose, glitter), or a state of being (exist, stand). Depending on the language, a verb may vary in form according to many factors, possibly including its tense, aspect, mood and voice. It may also agree with the person, gender, and/or number of some of its arguments (subject, object). Differences in the Inflectional Endings of Verbs
The past tense and past participle of the verbs are different in BrE and AmE.
The past tense and past participle of the verbs learn, spoil, spell, burn, dream, smell, spill, leap, and others, can be either irregular (learnt, spoilt, etc.) or regular (learned, spoiled, etc.). In BrE, the irregular and regular forms are current; in some cases (smelt, leapt) there is a strong tendency towards the irregular forms (especially by speakers using Received Pronunciation); in other cases (dreamed, leaned, learned) the regular forms are somewhat more common. In AmE, the irregular forms are never or rarely used (except for burnt and leapt).
Nonetheless, as with other usages considered nowadays to be typically British, the t endings are often found in older American texts. However, usage may vary when the past participles are actually adjectives, as in burnt toast.( Note that the two-syllable form learned ['lə:nid] usually written simply as learnt, is still used as an adjective to mean "educated", or to refer to academic institutions, in both BrE and AmE.)Finally, the past tense and past participle of dwell and kneel are more commonly dwelt and knelt on both sides of the Atlantic, although dwelled and kneeled are widely used in the US (but not in the UK).
In British English, the past tense of “get’’ is “got”, while American English usually use its past participle “gotten”.
For example,
A. John has got much better during the last week. (BrE)
B. John has gotten much better during the last week. (AmE)
According to the custom that British English usually uses “got” while American English “gotten”, we can quickly tell the nationality of the speaker. The former is British and the later is American. When Americans use “got”, they mean “own, possess and dominate”, such as the following two examples:
They’ve got no pride.
I’ve got plenty of material if I can just handle it. Different use of present perfect tenses
Traditionally, BrE uses the present perfect tense to talk about an event in the recent past(express an action that has occurred in the recent past that has an effect on the present moment) and with the words already, just, and yet. For example:
British English:[5]
I've just had lunch
I've already seen that film
Have you finished your homework yet?
American English:[5]
I just had lunch or I've just had lunch.
I've already seen that film OR I already saw that film.
Have your finished your homework yet? Or did you finish your homework yet?
In American usage, these meanings can be expressed with the present perfect (to express a fact) or the simple past (to imply an expectation). This American style has become widespread only in the past 20 to 30 years; the British style is still in common use as well. In British English the present perfect is used to.
"I've just arrived home." / "I just arrived home."
"I've already eaten." / "I already ate." [6]
Recently, the American use of just with simple past has made inroads into BrE, most visibly in advertising slogans and headlines such as "Cable broadband just got faster".
Similarly, AmE occasionally replaces the pluperfect with the preterite. Also, US spoken usage sometimes, especially with the contracted forms, substitutes the conditional for the pluperfect (If I would have cooked the pie we could have had it for lunch), but this tends to be avoided in writing.[6] Different use of transitive and intransitive verbs
The following verbs show differences in transitivity between BrE and AmE.[6]
agree: transitive or intransitive in BrE, usually intransitive in AmE (agree a contract/agree to or on a contract). However, in formal AmE legal writing one often sees constructions like as may be agreed between the parties (rather than as may be agreed upon between the parties).
appeal(as a decision): usually intransitive in BrE (used with against) and transitive in AmE (appeal against the decision to the Court/appeal the decision to the Court).
cater("to provide food and service"): intransitive in BrE, transitive in AmE (to cater for a banquet/to cater a banquet).
claim: sometimes intransitive in BrE (used with for), strictly transitive in AmE.
protest: in the sense of "oppose", intransitive in BrE, transitive in AmE (The workers protested against the decision/The workers protested the decision). The intransitive protest against in AmE means, "to hold or participate in a demonstration against". The older sense "proclaim" is always transitive (protest one's innocence).
write: in BrE, the indirect object of this verb usually requires the preposition to, for example, I'll write to my MP or I'll write to her (although it is not required in some situations, for example when an indirect object pronoun comes before a direct object noun, for example, I'll write her a letter). In AmE, write can be used monotransitively (I'll write my congressman; I'll write him). Different use of “have”.
British English usually uses “Have you any children?” or “Have you got any
children?” while Americans commonly express the same meaning with “Do you have any children?”Let us see some other examples.
How many brothers do you have? (AmE)
How many brothers have you? (BrE)
You don’t have much room here. (AmE)
You haven’t (got) much room here. (BrE)
3.1.3 Different use of function words
Function words (or grammatical words) are words that have little lexical meaning or have ambiguous meaning, but instead serve to express grammatical relationships with other words within a sentence, or specify the attitude or mood of the speaker. Words that are not function words are called content words (or lexical words): these include nouns, verbs, adjectives, and most adverbs, although some adverbs are function words (e.g., then and why). Dictionaries define the specific meanings of content words, but can only describe the general usages of function words. By contrast, grammars describe the use of function words in detail, but treat lexical words in general terms only. Now I will compare the different use of function words in BrE and AE in detail as follows. Different use of preposition and adverb
Differences between British and American English in prepositions are shown in the following two aspects: (1) different use of prepositions in the construction of phrases; (2) when using phrases, one will use a preposition while the other will omit it.
(1)Let us first review the different use of prepositions.
Your daughter’s name stands first in the list. (BrE)
Your daughter’s name stands first on the list. (AmE)
These dresses are in a sale. (BrE)
These dresses are on sale. (AmE)
He will come here at a quarter to three. (BrE, AmE)
He will come here at a quarter before /of / till three. (AmE)
She lives just round the corner (BrE).[7]4
She lives just around the corner (AmE).
Similarly, “five past nine” can be expressed in American English by “five after nine” or “nine five”. In front of “weekend” and “Christmas”, British English uses “at” or “over”, while American English adopts “over” or “on”.
At the weekend / Christmas (BrE)
Over the weekend / Christmas (BrE, AmE)
On the weekend / Christmas (AmE)
(2) Omitting preposition[8]2
In British English, before “day”, “week” or “certain day”, preposition “on” shall be used, while it is not so in American English.
The new term begins on September 1. (BrE)
The new term begins September 1. (AmE)
I’ll see you on Monday. (BrE)
I’ll see you Monday. (AmE)
In American English, when “home” is used as an adverb, the preposition “at” is not needed. But, in British English, “at” is required before “home”. Hence, “at home” is used in British English.
Is he home? (AmE)
Is he at home? (BrE) Different use of auxiliary verb
In linguistics, an auxiliary is a verb functioning to give further semantic or syntactic information about the main or full verb following it. There are three types: Modal auxiliaries,have and go.
No matter in the frequency or the tendency of auxiliary verb, AmE differs from BrE. Their differences are stated as follows:.
Shall in BrE, is widely used in the fist person to raise questions, answer questions ,or to express future, while in AmE it is only used in the law file or informal style paper. In formal style paper, people usually use will or should. Such as:
Br.E:1)I shall tell you later.
Am.E:1)I will tell you later.
2)Shall I drink this now?
2)Should I drink this now?
Would has two special usages in AmE, firstly it can show the usual action in the past. such as: When I was small, I would go there everyday.
However in BrE, the past tense or used to can express the past uaual action, therefore in BrE the above sentence should be changed into: When I was small, I went there everyday. Or When I was wmall, I used to go there everyday.
Secondly, would in AmE can express hypothesis in some informal language, quite like a kind of subjunctive mood, however in BrE not.
Try to compare:
Am.E:1)I wish I would have done it.
2)If I would have seen one, I would have bought it for you.
Br.E(it also the same with AmE):1)I wish I had done it.
2)If I had seen one, I would have bought it for you.
In Br.E, “would” and “will” can express suppose, while in Am.E the auxiliary verb “should” and “must” express supposition. Try to compare:
Br.E:1)That will be the postman at the door.
2)That would be zhongshan Road over there.
Am.E: 1)That must be (should be)the mailman at the door.
2)That should be(must be)Zhongshan Rood over there.
(3)used to
“Used to” in AmE is not seen as Modal auxiliary, but seen as notional word. To the opposite, in Br.E, used to is just seen as modal auxiliary, can offer or deny questions, also can be used as notional word but people use “do” to offer or deny questions. For example:
1)He used to go there.(notional verb)
Did he use to go there.(notional verb)
2)Used he to go there.(auxiliary verb)
He used not to go there.(auxiliary verb)
(4)ought to[9]6
“Ought to” is widely used in BrE to raise or deny questions, but in AmE use “should” to substitute for it, such as:
Br.E:1)Ought we to eat lunch?
Am.E:1)Should we eat lunch?
2)You ought not(oughtn’t) to have said that. 2)You shouldn’t have said that.
In AmE, ought to and used to are all used as notional verbs in the informal papers and such forms are said to be not standard forms. For example:
1)Did you ought to say that?
2)You didn’t ought to have said that.
(5) Different use of the indefinite pronoun “one”
In BrE we can use “one” to indicate the “one” of the former writing again while in AmE we usually use “he” or “his” to instead the “one” of the former writing. For instance:
One cannot succeed unless one works hard.(BrE)
One cannot succeed unless he works hard.(AmE) Differences in articles[19]
(1)The omitting of articles
Most phrases of British English have articles, while those of American English do not have. The “the” in the standard expressions in British English “all the afternoon”, “all the winter”, “all the week”, “this time of the year”, ect. But the articles are usually omitted in American English. For example:
The swimming pools are open all summer.
I’ll be here all afternoon.
He has been gone all week.
British English will use articles in front of “sickness”, “river” and etc., while American English does not. For example,
British English expresses in the form of “the measles”, “the mumps”, “the flu”, “the Niagara Falls” and “the Black Creek”, while American English says “measles”, “mumps”, “flu”, “Niagara Falls” and “Black Creek”.
However, there are exceptions. In some expressions, British English does not use articles, while American English does.
Go into hospital Go into the hospital
In hospital In the hospital
At university At the university
Sentences are as follows:
Next day, the rain began. (BrE)
The next day, the rain began. (AmE)
In future, I’d like you to pay more attention to detail. (BrE)
In the future, I’d like you to pay more attention to detail. (AmE)
(2) The position of articles
British English and American English are different from each other in the use of “a” or “an” with “half”. In British English, “a” follows “half”, for example, “half a dozen”, “half an hour”, “half a mile”, and “half a pound”. In American English, “a” is put in front of “half”, for example, “a half dozen”, “a half hour”, “a half mile” and “a half pound”.
3.2 Syntactical differences
Syntax is the study of the principles and rules for constructing sentences in natural languages. The sentence is the highest rank of grammatical unit. Based on one or more than one clause, the sentence is also the basic linguistic unit of connected discourse; it can stand alone and perform a function in social communication. Thus, a sentence can be defined as a grammatical unit that can perform a communicative function. I will explain the syntactic differences as follows.
3.2.1Differences in compound object[20]
The Verb“ -to do” usually used as compound object in British English, While past participle or past participle phrase mostly used as compound object in American English. Try to compare:
1)He also had ordered his luggage to be labeled for crew.(Bronte.) (BrE)
2)Last year an American hotel manager ordered his quests evacuated after an anonymous bomb threat.(AmE)
3)I have a roll that was in dead storage during the war which I ordered put back in running order. (O' Hara) (AmE)
The two compound structures (compound object with past participle and compound object with –to do) are both used in the BrE and AmE, while the AmE use compound object more frequent ly than BrE. However, there are some differences in the routine usage of Verb related to this phrase structure. The verb “to order” usually linked with the compound structure with past participle in AmE, but linked with the compound structure with “verb -to do” in BrE.
3.2.2 Presence or absence of syntactic elements[11]
Where a statement of intention involves two separate activities, it is acceptable for speakers of AmE to use to go plus bare infinitive. Speakers of BrE would instead use to go and plus bare infinitive. Thus, where a speaker of AmE might say I'll go take a bath, BrE speakers would say I'll go and have a bath. (Both can also use the form to go to instead to suggest that the action may fail, as in He went to take/have a bath, but the bath was full of children.) Similarly, to come plus bare infinitive is acceptable to speakers of AmE, where speakers of BrE would instead use to come and plus bare infinitive. Thus, where a speaker of AmE might say come see what I bought, BrE speakers would say come and see what I've bought (notice the present perfect tense: a common British preference).
As to whether a preposition is used before days denoted by a single word, British people would say she resigned on Thursday, while Americans often say she resigned Thursday, but both forms are common in American usage. Occasionally, in AmE the preposition is also absent when referring to months: I'll be here December (although this usage is generally limited to colloquial speech).But, it will say “I’ll be here on December.” in BrE.
In the UK, from is used with single dates and times more often than in the United States. Where British speakers and writers may say the new museum will be open from Tuesday, Americans most likely say the new museum will be open starting Tuesday. (This difference does not apply to phrases of the pattern from A to B, which are used in both BrE and AmE.) A variation or alternative of this is the most American will say “the play opens Tuesday” and the most British will say “the play opens on Tuesday”. American legislators and lawyers always use the preposition of between the name of a legislative act and the year it was passed, while their British colleagues do not. We can see such differences by making comparison between Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Disability Discrimination Act 1995.
3.2.3 Different use of subjunctive mood
The subjunctive mood used more in AmE than in BrE, which is mainly used in the formal style paper.
In subjunctive mood, American English will rarely reserve traditional subjunctive words.
I suggest that meeting be postponed. (AmE)
I suggest that meeting should be postponed. (BrE)
I wish I had done it. (AmE)
I wish I would have done it. (BrE)
4. The grammatical differences between British English and the special form of American English—Black English
Black English also called African American Vernacular English which is an African American variety (dialect, ethnolect and sociolect) of American English.There are four points in which black English differs from British English.
In addition, negatives are formed differently from standard American English:
Use of ain't as a general negative indicator. It can be used where Standard English would use am not, isn't, aren't, haven't and hasn't, a trait which is not specific to AAVE. However, in marked contrast to other varieties of English in the U.S., some speakers of AAVE also use ain't instead of don't, doesn't, or didn't (e.g., I ain't know that).[14] Ain't had its origins in common English, but became increasingly stigmatized since the 19th century. See also amn't.
Negative concord, popularly called "double negation", as in I didn't go nowhere; if the sentence is negative, all negatable forms are negated. This contrasts with Standard English, where a double negative is considered a positive (although this wasn't always so; see double negative). There is also "triple" or "multiple negation", as in the phrase I don't know nothing about no one no more, which would be "I don't know anything about anybody anymore" in Standard English.
In a negative construction, an indefinite pronoun such as nobody or nothing can be inverted with the negative verb particle for emphasis (eg. Don't nobody know the answer, Ain't nothin' goin' on.)
While these are features that AAVE has in common with Creole languages,[15] Howe and Walker use data from early recordings of African Nova Scotian English, Samaná English, and the recordings of former slaves to demonstrate that negation was inherited from nonstandard colonial English.
Some of these characteristics, notably doubl e negatives and the omission of certain auxiliaries such as the has in has been are also characteristic of general colloquial American English.
2)The omission of copula in black English
You crazy! ("You're crazy") or She my sister ("She's my sister"). The phenomenon is also observed in questions: Who you? ("Who're you?") and Where you at? ("Where are you (at)?"). On the other hand, a stressed is cannot be dropped: She is my sister.
Only the forms is and are (the latter of which, in any case, is often replaced by is) can be omitted. These forms cannot be omitted when they are pronounced with a stress (whether or not the stress serves specifically to impart an emphatic sense to the verb's meaning).
These forms cannot be omitted when the corresponding form in Standard English cannot show contraction (and vice-versa). For example, I don't know where he is cannot be reduced to (BrE) I don't know where he because in Standard English the corresponding reduction I don't know where he's is likewise impossible. (Though I don't know where he at is possible.) Possibly some other minor conditions apply as well.[16]
3)Present-tense verbs uninflected for number/person
there is no -s ending in the present-tense third-person singular. Example: She write poetry ("She writes poetry"). Similarly, was is used for what in standard English are contexts for both was and were.[17]
4)The word it or is denoting the existence of something
This usage is equivalent to Standard English there in "there is", or "there are". It is also found in the English of the US South. Examples its a doughnut in the cabinet ("There's a doughnut in the cabinet") and It ain't no spoon ("There isn't a spoon", also "They ain't no spoon").[17]
5) Altered syntax in questions
Why they ain't growin'? ("Why aren't they growing?") and Who the hell she think she is? ("Who the hell does she think she is?") lack the inversion of standard English. Because of this, there is also no need for the auxiliary DO.[18]
To put it simply, we can summarize the grammatical differences between British and American daily English as follows[19]:
(1) Sometimes, British and American English use different grammatical forms to express the same meaning;
(2) Sometimes, the same grammatical form expresses different meanings in British and American English;
(3) In some structures, either British English or American English will use integrated grammatical form, while the other adopts the omitted form;
(4) Sometimes, American and British English use the same grammatical form to express the same concept and meaning.
However, one of them may have another expression form, while the other does not. We could only avoid misunderstanding by paying attention to those differences in our study.
5. The tendency of the development of British English and American English
The English language changes as the rapid development of politics, economic, culture in Britain and American. After it goes through the three periods (old English, middle English and modern English),it also changes everyday, especially in the related ten years, the changes of English becomes more obvious. Although the English structure is not as obvious as the lexical development, it does not ignore. On the aspect of grammar, English experience the changes from the verb inflections of old English to use word in order to express meaning in the past 1500years, and English also become analytic language from synthetic language. Such experience makes English flexible, meanwhile it also broke the traditional grammar frame, the former disagreed rules transferred into acceptable English even native English. The speed on renewing lexical words is very fast.
On the whole, British English and American English fuse with each other, and they tend to be brief, clear and more flexible for use.
As the globalization and information world developed, more and more people from different countries use the same language―English to communicate and exchange ideas with each other. The above discussion about grammar difference between British English and American English is what I have found and concluded. Although there are many differences in detailed aspects in the use of daily British and American English, they are similar to each other in most of aspects. Therefore, they shall only be considered as different forms of the same language rather than two different languages. In addition, we cannot say which one is better or advanced. Any judgment or opinion that “British English is better or worse than American English” is biased. The purpose of this paper is to help English learners understand the two varieties better and eliminate some mistakes caused in communication or paper writing.
The differences between the British English and American English are caused by politics, economy, social life, culture, and geography. American English developed from British English, but it differs from British English. All in all, sinc e English is characterized by its huge vocabulary, great tolerance, and conciseness, it leaves little room for argument that English will be well on its way to be a diversified common language.
My initial thanks go to my supervisor Zhu Min, who patiently supervised my dissertation and was at times very willing to offer me illuminating advice or suggestions. Without her help, I could not have finished this dissertation.
I am also indebted to other teachers and my classmates who have not only offered me their warm encouragements but also shared with me their ideas and books. They are Mao Can、Gao YunPing and many others.
My greatest personal debt is to my grandparents and parents, who have cultivated a soul of sensitivity, hospitality, and honesty out of me, and offered a harbor of happiness and sweetness for me.
The remaining weakness and possible errors of the dissertation are entirely my own.
[1] 周樂, 美式英語與英式英語比較與分析[J]. 湖南商學院外語系,2008.
[2] Wikipedia Contributors
[3] blog.languagetranslation.com/public/item/118655
[4] 王振明和公麗艷,英式英語與美式英語的差異[J]. 山東教育學院學報,2002.
[5] esl.about.com/od/toeflieltscambridge/a/dif_ambrit.htm
[7] 孟憲友,英語與美語的差別對比研究[J]. 廣州大學外國語學院英語系,2002.
, Jour.of N.W. SCI-TECH Uni.of Agri.and Fore,2001.
, Journal of Shijiazhuang Teachers College,2001
, Journal of Wuhu Vocational Institute of Technology,2007
[11]Wikipedia Contributors
, Journal of Hunan Agricultural University(Social Sciences), 2007
, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press
[15] Winford, Donald (1992), "Back to the past: The BEV/creole connection revisited", Language Variation and Change 4 (3): 311-357
[16] Geoff Pullum, "Why Ebonics Is No Joke" Lingua Franca transcript, 17 October 1998, Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
[17] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_American_Vernacular_English#Negation
2.1 Ezra Pound 2
2.2 Imagism ………………………………………………………… …………...….. .4
3. Imagistic features of Pound's poetry 5
3.1 The use of Image 5
3.1.1 Image progress…..……………………………………………………………… ……6
3.1.2 Image superposition………………………………………………………………….. 8
3.1.3 Image juxtaposition………………………………………………………………...…9
3.2 Concise Language………………..………………….…………………………...…….10
3.3 Musical Rhythm ...……………………………………………………………………..11
4. Influence of Pound’s poetry 12
4.1 The impact on domestic literature ...…………… …………………………………… 13
4.2 The impact on foreign literature ...………….…………………………………………14
5. Conclusion 16
Acknowledgement. 17
Reference 18
Imagism was a movement in the early 20th-century Anglo-American poetry that favored precision of imagery, and clear, sharp language. The Imagists rejected the sentiment and discursiveness typical of much Romantic and Victorian poetry. This was in contrast to their contemporaries, the Georgian poets, who were by and large content to work within that tradition. Ezra Weston Loomis Pound was an American expatriate poet, critic and intellectual who was a major figure of the Modernist movement in the first half of the 20th century. He is generally considered the poet most responsible for defining and promoting a modernist aesthetic in poetry.11
As the father of Modernism, Ezra Pound plays an important role in Poetry modernization process. Therefore, we can get a clear understanding of imagism poems by studying Pound’s poems and translation works. The thesis will focus on studying image to analysis Ezra Pound’s poems. According to Pound's Imagist poems and other predecessors’ studies of his works, this thesis will summarize the language characteristics of Pound’s poetry and analysis his imagist poetry style, so as to provide some theoretical concept from the view of reading, understanding and appreciating modern English poetry, thus making it easier for Chinese readers to appreciate English poetry.
The first part summarizes Ezra Pound’s life and theoretical basis of Imagism. The second part, as analysis of Pound's poetry, departs into three parts—the use of image, concise language and musical rhythm. It introduces three kinds of combination of images, and uses Pound’s poems to explain the combination of images. The third part is about the influence of Pound poetry on domestic and foreign literature
2. Ezra Pound and Imagism
As the father of modernism which is the main stream of literature in the twentieth century, Ezra Pound definitely plays a predominant role in the evolution of modernist poetry. Its starting point is Imagism.
Ezra Pound’s Imagist theory is mainly based on the aesthetic theories proposed by W. B. Yeats, Ford Madox Ford and T. E. Hulme. Yeats is famous for a symbolist who emphasizes subjective conception and imaginative association,but this school tends to lapse into sentimentality; Ford is famous for an impressionist who emphasizes objective writing with clarity and precision, but this school tends to lapse into the level of description. Pound absorbs the strengths of Yeat’s subjectivity and Ford’s objectivity and finds a way to make natural objects convey subjective emotion by virtue of association of the mind.
2.1 Ezra Pound
Ezra Pound(1885一1972)was born in Hally, Idaho, in October, 1885.Then he attended Hamilton College and the University of Pennsylvania,where he majored in romance Philology while reading through a large Portion of classical and European literature. Dissatisfied with the genteel tradition and Popular romanticism dominating the American literary tastes,Pound moved to Europe in1908一first to London,then to Paris,and finally to Rapallo, Italy. In 1909,Pound met W. B. Yeats and Ford Madox Ford. He was greatly influenced by these two and tried to combine Yeat’s symbolism with Ford’s impressionism. About the same period of time, Pound got in touch with T. E. Hulme and became interested in his Poetic theory.
All these ideas became the theoretical basis of the well-known Imagist and Vortieist Movement. Later,inspired by American sinologist Ernest Fenollosa’s theory on the Chinese writing characters,Pound proposed the Ideogramic Method which was based on the chief principles of the Imagist and Vorticist Movement. As the advocate and leader of the movement Pound exerted a great influence on the Imagist poetry writers. Pound also attempted to combine poetry with music, painting and scu1pture.Vortieism was such a typical example.
Ezra Pound is generally considered the poet most responsible for defining and promoting a modernist aesthetic in poetry. In the early teens of the twentieth century, he opened a seminal exchange of work and ideas between British and American writers, and was famous for the generosity with which he advanced the work of such major contemporaries as W. B. Yeats, Robert Frost, William Carlos Williams, Marianne Moore, H. D., James Joyce, Ernest Hemingway and especially T. S. Eliot. Pound also had a profound influence on Irish writers W. B. Yeats and James Joyce.
Pound is not only a poet, but also a translator, essayist and literary critic. His own significant contributions to poetry begin with his promulgation of Imagism, a movement in poetry which derived its technique from classical Chinese and Japanese poetry which are stressing clarity, precision, and economy of language, and foregoing traditional rhyme and meter in order to, in Pound's words, “compose in the sequence of the musical phrase, not in the sequence of the metronome.” His later work, for nearly fifty years, focused on the encyclopedic epic poem he entitled The Cantos, which was regarded as poetic masterpiece of the twentieth century. He is really an original and creative poet in the twentieth century, a literary giant who plays a prominent role in the development of modernist poetry.
2.2 Imagism
Imagism was a poetic movement which flourished in London between 1910 and 1917 and had an enduring and pervasive influence on English-language poetry in the twentieth century.
The Imagists published four annual anthologies from 1914 to 1917, with a final anthology in 1930. They were led by Ezra Pound who first called them “Les Imagists”, choosing a French term to associate the group with the various French avant-garde movements which became the Roger Fry’s influential Post-Impressionist exhibition in 1910. The group included Hilda Doolittle, John Gould Fletcher, Amy Lowell, Richard Aldington, and, marginally, D. H. Lawrence, but they had only a loose and shifting affiliation and it was mainly Pound’s talents as a promoter and critic that gave a semblance of unity.
Pound’s favored spelling of Imagists was a gesture of homage to the first school of modern poets, the symbolists, whose best-known members were Baudelaire, Mallarme, Verlaine, and Rimbaud, but Pound criticized the French Symbolists as often as he praised them. The first principle of Imagism was “Direct treatment of the thing” [3]72, clearly in contrast to Mallarme’s famous dictum that to name a thing was to take away half the pleasure and whereas Verlaine in his “Art of Poetry” advised an “indefinite music”. Pound spoke for an “absolute rhythm”, a rhythm that is in poetry which corresponds exactly to the emotion or shade of emotion to be expressed.
Nonetheless, Pound’s ascorbic but well-judged criticism of his contemporaries, his accurate sense of what was good in verse, and his own aphoristic brilliance, gave this small movement (which was not really even a movement outside of Pound’s rhetoric) a formative role in defining the twentieth-century poet as someone who was in the intellectual avant-garde, purifying the language of the tribe, spurning flaccid and self-important and merely derived patterns of language use, and generally breaking with the idea of fixed metrical rules. Many of these principles were clearly articulated in the essay “Imagism” in Poetry (March 1913) which was offered as an interview-cum- report by F. S. Flint but shows the hand of Pound throughout. According to Flint, the three principles of Imagism were:
“1. Direct treatment of the “thing”, whether subjective or objective.
2. To use absolutely no word that did not contribute to the presentation.
3. As regarding rhythm: to compose in sequence of the musical phrase, not in sequence of a metronome. ” [4]12
In an essay “A Few Don’ts by An Imagist” by Pound in the same issue offers a definition of the Image as “that which presents an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time” [5]54, the key point being the compression of intellectual and emotional experience into an instant. He goes on to offer his own set of “Don’ts”:
“Use no superfluous word, no adjective, which does not reveal something.
Don’t use such an expression as “dim land of peace”. It dulls the image. It mixes an abstraction with the concrete. It comes from the writer’s not realizing that the natural object is always the adequate symbol.
Go in fear of abstractions. Don’t retell in mediocre verse what has already been done in good prose. Don’t think any intelligent person is going to be deceived when you try to shirk all the difficulties of the unspeakably cliff cult art of good prose by chopping your composition into line. ” [6]31
3. Imagistic Features of Pound's Poetry
Imagist poetry has three distinctive artistic characteristics. First, the Imagist poems request to convey the complex imagery directly, use sculpture and painting in the performance of imagery. It objects to musical and mystery object to lyrics. It advances the “Do not say” and “Do not you narrative” [6]9, only to show without comment. Second, the Imagist poems use concise language, no adjectives and qualifier, no decorative “lace” and flaunting words. It writes short lines, with imagery. Third, the Imagist poetry Images focus on the intrinsic rhythm of imagery combination, blend the imagery and the contained idea.
3.1 The use of Image
The word “Image” used in the field of literature is derived from the theory of Chinese poetry. It is an important linguistic terms which have been widely used in Chinese poetry. Therefore, when people refer to “image” in literature, it also refers to “image” poetry. Poetry image is the basic constituent element of poetry. It is the soul and essence features of poetry, and it plays a vital role in poetry.
Pound’s work as poet, critic,editor,and promoter of the new style was crucial to its initial period,in the decade around the First World War,and what was most essential to his conception of what was truly modern was a single word: Image. Pound’s best poems were assured achievement in the Imagist Movement when literature in English became recognizably modern. The modern revolution in literary style came from a main impulse一focus on the image.
Aesthetic theorist and imagist poet T. E. Hulme must be credited with the initial emphasis on the image,for he first formulated the doctrine that “Images in verse are not mere decoration, but the very essence of an intuitive language.”2 It was also Pound who showed in practice how far this definition could be carried into the making of short and then longer poems. Pound emphasized the concentration of intellectual and emotional content possible in a poetic image, though it mirrored only a brief moment of experience. He took the image to be the poet’s “primary pigment” and stressed the hardness, or concreteness, of sensory language, telling poets to “Go in fear of abstractions”. Besides concreteness, Pound stressed exactness of diction, the mot just of Flaubert, and clarity, and “As regarding rhythm: to compose in the sequence of the musical phrase, not in the sequence of the metronome”. Thus, along with the image emerged free verse, newly understood as an appropriate organic rhythm, suited to the mood of the individual poem.
In short, Pound’s Imagism was intended to carry symbolism forward towards a greater poetic realism, keeping the poet’s vision always in touch with the world of his senses, holding firmly to the principle that truth should be visible in things, rather than in visible beyond them.
As we all know ancient Chinese poetry and Japanese haiku had an important influence on Pound, especially the ancient Chinese poetry. Pound didn’t just pay attention to the ‘exotic surface’ of the Chinese language but its linguistic nature and the abstract feelings that lie behind it. He not only translated lots of Chinese poems but also learned the useful and particular writing techniques. It can be seen clearly the imitation of the style of Chinese poetry from Pound’ poems.
In the following text I will focus on three types of combination of image--image progress, image superposition and image juxtaposition. These three modes of combination of image are very typical East or Chinese-style image, which is characterized by only using nouns rather than verbs. This image processing techniques in ancient poetry in China is nothing unusual or surprising. And they are also wildly used in Pound’s poetry and become his representative features.
3.1.1 Image Progress
Image progress is a combination of images which structured in accordance with the objective rule. It is a common writing technique used by ancient Chinese poets. For example, the famous Chinese poetry《敕勒歌》:
In this poem, the author wrote from the mountains to near grass, from the sky to earth. He ranged the images under the rule of direction--from far to near. Therefore the author could make the meaning of this poem very clear.
Ezra Pound successfully used Image progress writing technique in his poems. Take Pound’s poem “Salutation” for example:
O generation of the thoroughly smug
and thoroughly uncomfortable,
I have seen fishermen picnicking in the sun,
I have seen them with untidy families,
I have seen their smiles full of teeth
and heard ungainly laughter.
And I am happier than you are,
And they were happier than I am;
And the fish swim in the lake
and do not even own clothing.
-----by Ezra Pound “Salutation”
In this poem, Pound first wrote the happy “fishermen”. They eat in the wild, sleep on the ground, with the untidy families, but they laugh to their hearts’ contact. Then he compared “I” with “you”, finding that “I am happier than you”. He compared the “fishermen” with “I”, finding that “they were happier than I am”. At last he described the free “fish”, it swims freely in the lake and even wears nothing. Pound wrote four aspects: the “fishermen”, “I”, “you” and the “fish”. He made a structured comparison of each of the four aspects to challenge those self-appointed writers, and pointed out that the modern poets’ mind should be free roaming like the fish in the water. They should get rid of the old stereotypes of poetry and create poems freely.
Ezra Pound addresses the old-time question of happiness in privileged and underprivileged classes. The “generation of thoroughly smug” refers to middle and upper classes of society who, by conventional means, are uptight, dull, and “smug”, and in Pound's definition are “thoroughly uncomfortable”, with life. Pound parallels the “thoroughly smug” with the “fishermen”. The poem is about perseverance. “Fishermen” are poor, often uneducated, country folk. Pound parallels “fishermen” with struggling poets; both sects trying to survive by their individual means.
3.1.2 Image superposition
Image superposition is to superimpose images with the same meaning, and uses modify, qualifier, metaphor to constitute the relationship between images. Ezra Pound widely used this writing technique. The example is the poem “A Girl” which Pound wrote for his early lover:
The tree has entered my hands,
The sap has ascended my arms,
The tree has grown in my breast -
The branches grow out of me, like arms.
Tree you are,
Moss you are,
You are violets with wind above them.
A child - so high - you are,
And all this is folly to the world.
------by Ezra Pound “A Girl”
In this poem, Pound first uses the image “tree” to superimpose and modify “I”, and then uses the image “moss” and “violet” to superposition and modify “tree”. It is clear that the image of the “tree” is a symbol of love and young girl. Pound first described the close relationship between “tree” and “I”. Then he added three images –”moss”, “violet” and “child” to praise the beauty of young girl. The girl is as young and beautiful as violet and moss. And she is also like green trees which full of life. All of these things moisten “my” growth of life, even though they are ungrounded yawp in most people’s eyes. In this superimposed image, we can find that the beauty of the young girl likes violet, and the vital force likes the tree and mo ss.
We can see that those words or images have similar meaning, and their meanings have connected relationship. It is clearly that Pound used modify, qualifier, metaphor to constitute the relationship between images. So this poem uses typical image superposition.
3.1.3 Image juxtaposition
Image juxtaposition is quite similar to Image superposition, but actually they are different. Image juxtaposition is to appose two visible images together which from different time and space, to inspire and arouse the feelings of others. Hume said: “The imagery shows that the combination of the two visible images can be called a visual chord. Their combination gives people an image which is different from either of the two images.” The emotional feeling aroused by juxtaposition of different images has gone beyond the meanings of a particular image, but with an entirely new feel.
Pound said, “Image juxtaposition” can not allow any contact, whether it is an analogy or a synonym. The purpose of this technique is to “cut the lock of association of ideas”, so that the author can make the interaction relationship between images. The reader must take the initiative to use their imagination to explore the relationship between the two. Pound has always been emphasized on “Objective Present”. It is one of the effects of image juxtaposition, which means let the readers to understand the experience in poetry on their own, realize the “Similarity” between images, and get a sudden, new, near-epiphany of understanding.
Juxtaposition is like the Montage practice in the field of poetry. It is also the core writing technique used in Pound’s great work “The Cantos”.
Montage practice is a cinematic technique wildly used in modern film industry. It is a rapid succession of different images or shots in a movie. It composes pictures by juxtaposing or superimposing many pictures or designs. So we can regard it as the art or process of making such a single pictorial composition.
The Cantos by Ezra Pound is a long, incomplete poem in 120 sections, each of which is a canto. Most of it was written between 1915 and 1962, although much of the early work was abandoned and the early cantos, as finally published, date from 1922 onwards. It is a book-length work, widely considered to present formidable difficulties to the reader. Strong claims have been made for it as the most significant work of modernist poetry of the twentieth century. As in Pound's prose writing, the themes of economics, governance, and culture are integral to its content.
The most striking feature of the text, to a casual browser, is the inclusion of Chinese characters as well as quotations in European languages other than English. Here I cite a few lines of chapter forty-ninth of poem “Cantos” as follows:
Rain; empty river; a voyage,
Fire from frozen cloud, heavy rain in the twilight
Under the cabin roof was one lantern.
The reeds are heavy; bent;
and the bamboos speak as if weeping.
-----by Ezra Pound “Cantos”
In this poem, Pound used the melodic appearance of images to achieve an effect that common texts were not readily to gain. When we are reading these few lines, there will be subconscious images come into our mind, just as the words showed. The images change from “rain” to “empty river”, from “frozen cloud” to “heavy rain, from “the cabin roof” to “one lantern”. It is just like a rapid succession of different images or shots in a movie.
We can find that those words or images have different meaning, from different time and space, but they have connected relationship. It is clearly that Pound put those visible images together and achieved an admirable effect to inspire and arouse our feelings. This poem gets a responsive chord in the hearts of its readers.These melodic appearances of images are achieved by juxtaposing or superimposing different images. In other word, this effect is achieved by image juxtaposition or Montage practice.
3.2 Concise Language
Imagist poetry is famous for using concise language, without adjectives, qualifier, decorative “lace” and flaunting words. It writes short lines, with imagery. In the three principles of Imagism made by F. S. Flint, the second principle is “To use absolutely no word that did not contribute to the presentation.” In an essay “A Few Don’ts by An Imagist”, Ezra Pound wrote three “Don’ts” as the principle of image poetry. The first “Don’t” is “Use no superfluous word, no adjective, which does not reveal something.”
Pound strictly obeys these principles. Here we take the landmark work of Pound's Imagist Poetry “In a Station of the Metro” for example:
The apparition of these faces in the crowd;
Petals on a wet, black bough.
-----by Ezra Pound “In a Station of the Metro”
This poem was first published in 1913 and is considered one of the leading poems of the Imagist tradition. Written in a Japanese haiku style, Pound’s process of deletion from thirty lines to only fourteen words typifies Imagism’s focus on economy of language, precision of imagery and experimenting with non-traditional verse forms. The poem is Pound’s written equivalent for the moment of revelation and intense emotion he felt at the Metro at La Concorde, Paris. Pound explains in his article value.
The poem is essentially a set of images that have unexpected likeness and convey the rare emotion that Pound was experiencing at that time. Arguably the heart of the poem is not the first line, nor the second, but the mental process that links the two together. “In a poem of this sort,” as Pound explained, “one is trying to record the precise instant when a thing outward and objective transforms itself, or darts into a thing inward and subjective.”[9]3 This darting takes place between the first and second lines. The pivotal semi-colon has stirred debate as to whether the first line is in fact subordinate to the second or both lines are of equal, independent importance.
Pound contrasts the factual, mundane image that he actually witnessed with a metaphor from nature and thus infuses this “apparition” with visual beauty. There is a quick transition from the statement of the first line to the second line’s vivid metaphor; this ‘super-position’ technique exemplifies the Japanese haiku style. The word “apparition” is considered crucial as it evokes a mystical and supernatural sense of imprecision which is then reinforced by the metaphor of the second line. The plosive word ‘Petals’ conjures ideas of delicate, feminine beauty which contrasts with the bleakness of the ‘wet, black bough’. What the poem signifies is questionable; many critics argue that it deliberately transcends traditional form and therefore its meaning is solely found in its technique as opposed to in its content. However when Pound had the inspiration to write this poem few of these considerations came into view. He simply wished to translate his perception of beauty in the midst of ugliness into a single, perfect image in written form.
3.3 Musical Rhythm
Ezra Pound has a strong musical rhythm in his works, which is mainly embodied in three aspects: firstly, he thinks poetry language should be musical and pays attention to the internal poetic rhythm; secondly, he successfully adopted the fugue melody of western music, and used it in his masterpiece Cantos; moreover, he uses the dapper image poems to load the richest content and emotion to reach the highest level of musical poetry -- quiet voice.
Rhythm is an important factor to form the musical aesthetics of poetry. It gives us pleasure and beauty, and it can unify the individual, coordinate difference, turn lethargy to concentrate. Therefore, the rhythm itself is very charming, and musical rhythm is usually considered to be the core of musical poetry. In the On imagism, Ezra Pound defined poetry that “poetry is the compounds or organization of musical words.”[10]6 In Pound’s view, the so-called music is just rhythm. A poem cannot be called as a poem if without rhythm. In the aspect of poetry, Pound has inherited the free verse of Whitman poems, and made a meaningful attempt. He found a new charming melody in the traditional pentameter poem, and combined the music and expressive force into free verse. The rhythm and sound changes with the emotion in poems, that is, to maintain the true feelings of the poems and gives its beautiful melody. When reading Pound's poetry, we will realize that the beauty of rhythm in his poetry not only exists in the rhythm itself, but more important is in the performance of content.
Pound also believes that poetry do not only need rhythm, but also include: (1) beautiful rhythm. A good poem has a residual sound in the listener's ear, which sounds like organ. (2) Rhythm should contain some surprising elements. That is to say the rhythm should be of innovation. (3) Rhythm should reflect a certain emotion; give reader a shock of soul.
In addition to the repeated experiments of the rhythm of poetry, Pound also innovated the structure of poetry. He changed the way of composing music into poetry skills, in order to further enhance the melody and artistic appeal of poetry. In the “Cantos”—the literary masterpiece which represent the highest achievements of Pound's poetry, Pound used “fugue” structure in the creation of many chapters. Fugue is a common music form in Western music, which includes “theme”, “response”, “counter-subject”, and with several “episodes”. Usually, fugue adopts “counterpoint” to arrange “theme& rdquo;, “response” and “counter-subject” into the music in turn, and achieve polyphonic structure. This structure can overcome the psychological feeling of dull monotonous.
4.Influence of Pound poetry
Ezra Pound is generally considered the poet who is most responsible for defining and promoting a modernist aesthetic in poetry. His own significant contributions to poetry begin with his declare of Imagism, a movement in poetry which derived its technique from classical Chinese and Japanese poetry-stressing clarity, precision, and economy of language, and foregoing traditional rhyme and meter in order to, in Pound's words, “compose in the sequence of the musical phrase, not in the sequence of the metronome.”
Pound appreciated Chinese poetry very much and learned the use of image from it. What’s more, he summarized the key techniques and formed his own imagism theory. His imagism theory, poetry writing skills and translation of Chinese poems not only influenced innumerable British and American writers, but also affected the development of Chinese modern literature.
4.1 The impact on domestic literature
Ezra Pound’s achievements in poetry field or literature field were well recognized. Though he learned a lot of writing skills from Chinese poetry, he also had an important influence on the literature development in China, especially the development of image poetry. We can say the modern Chinese poetry is greatly influenced by Imagism.
Image is an important category with key significance in Chinese poem studying and also an important numeral factor in poetry creation. Poet’s creation inspiration and experience to the life are both condensed in image. Image is the special way to manifest itself for poetry to be distinguished from other literary styles. The ancient Chinese image poetry has a long history. It is featured by clarity, precision, economy of language and combination of images. The western image poem theory was partly derived from Chinese, but later it influenced modern Chinese Poetry.
The genesis stage of Chinese modern image poetry is in 1920s. The representative poets were Hu Shi, Wen Yiduo and Li Jinfa. Hu was well known as the primary advocate for the literary revolution of the era, a movement which aimed to replace scholarly classical Chinese in writing with the vernacular spoken language, and to cultivate and stimulate new forms of literature. “The English and American poetry of image group showed multi-aspects influence on Hu Shi’s poetry point and his vernacular and New Poetry Movement.”[11]119
The whole exploration of poetry image art in1920s, looking the image art of ancient poetry as the control of modern image construction, experiences a process of modern decay and birth of new poem image, that is being intertwined with image tradition of ancient poetry (new vernacular poem in the early period), breaking away from traditional image system (represented by Guo Moruo), close examination of returning to tradition (new metrical poem group represented by Wen Yiduo) and rebel against tradition (represented by Li Jinfa).
The development period of Chinese image poetry is between 1930s and 1940s. It was the historical evolution process of modern image art from genesis,development to maturity and its regularity and phased characteristics. During this period, most school’s image poetry held the point of view with the core of dimness, harmonious theory and artistic conception. The Beijing school’s image poetry theories were including agreement theory, art and temperament and interest theory, revealing and hidden theory, inspiration theory and image connecting theory. The July school’s image theory explaining the poetry point on the center of Ai Qing’s concrete and abstract sensualist, image imagination theory and image and graphic theory and Hu Feng’s experience image theory. The Nine Leaves school’s poetry study is expanded from such aspects as poem quality theory, rational theory, artistic conception, structuralism theory, sinking theory and condensing theory etc. And it represents the basic maturity of modern image poetry theory. The representative poets were Dai Wangshu, He Qifang, Bain Zhilin, Fei Min, Ai Qing.
Up to the present, there are many Chinese scholars studying Ezra Pound’s poetry. Some of them are from the view of the relationship between Ezra Pound and Chinese poetry. Some others research from the perspective of translation to examine the translation skills the translation of Chinese poetry. The most of them use the perspective of traditional rhetorical method, and study images of poetry from perspective of the arts means and effects of literature. The study includes the role of poetic imagery, rhetorical skills, rhetorical effect and its artistic features and so on.
4.2 The impact on foreign literature
American poet, critic, and translator Ezra Pound was an extremely important influence in the shaping of 20th-century poetry. He was one of the most famous and controversial literary figures of the century. No other twentieth century literary figure engaged as much with China as Pound. T. S. Eliot described him as the “inventor of Chinese poetry”.
Though the movement of Imagism only lasted for a short period of time, it is the beginning of New Poetry Movement in the United States. Its experiment on using “image” and free verse poetry changed many American readers’ tastes, and affected the process of American modern poetry. Pound's modernist experiments of the 1910s and 1920s have served as a counterforce to the established traditions of the “American Sublime” and the Anglo-American formalism represented by T. S. Eliot and the New Criticism. Beach, Christopher wrote a complete book length critical study ABC of Influence: Ezra Pound and the Remaking of American Poetic Tradition. “ In this first full-length study of Pound's influence on American poetry after World War II, Beach argues that Pound's experimental mode created a new tradition of poetic writing in America. Often neglected by academic critics and excluded from the “canon” of American poetic writing, Charles Olson, Robert Duncan, and later members of this experimental tradition have maintained the sense of an American avant-garde in keeping with Pound's modernist experiments of the 1910s and 1920s.”[12]87
After the movement of Imagism, there is still a small number of poets, consciously or unconsciously adhered to some of the certain principles of Imagism, and expand the results of Imagism. William C. Williams’ performance is regarded as the most outstanding in this field. Under the guidance of Ezra Pound, he began his business on the road of studying Imagism. Then he combined the writing skills of Imagism with the subject matters and language style of the United States, and created a kind of “direct” Poetry. This kind of Poetry had a dramatic impact on the revolution of United States poetry during the 1950 to 1960.
T. S. Eliot and Irish writers W. B. Yeats were deepest influenced by Pound. T. S. Eliot was a poet, playwright and literary critic. He received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1948. Among his most famous writings, the Waste Land has become a touchstone of modern literature, a poetic counterpart to a novel published in the same year, James Joyce's Ulysses. Pound made detailed editorial comments and significant cuts to the manuscript. W. B. Yeats was an Irish poet and dramatist and one of the foremost figures of 20th-century literature. Under Pound’s influence Yeats learned Pound's unauthorized alterations and got know of Chinese and Japanese poetry, which affected his later works.
The above discussion of Ezra Pound’s image poetry is by no means comprehensive but it can give us a clear point of view of Pound’s writing techniques and features. He successfully combined the features of Western poetry and Eastern poetry, and invited a new poetry theory. His way of combine images, use concise language and pay attention to rhythm are good skills which we can learn and use in poetry writing. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the language characteristics of Pound’s poetry and analysis his imagist poetry style, so as to provide some theoretical ideals from the view of reading, understanding and appreciate modern English poetry, thus making it easier for Chinese readers to appreciate English poetry.
My initial thanks to my supervisor Han Xiaoya, without her patient guidance and strict supervision, this paper would not have been written. Her suggestions help me a lot in the writing of this thesis. And her enlightening ideas will greatly influence studies in my academic life.
I am also very grateful to my roommates who have not only offered me their warm encouragements but also shared with me their valuable materials and suggestions on my writing of this thesis. Their kindness cannot be overstated.
I am further indebted to other teachers who have taught me and helped me in the past four years
In addition, any errors and inadequacies in this thesis are my sole responsibility.
[1] PARINI, JAY, BRETT C. MILLIER. The Columbia History of American Poetry[M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2005.
London: Longman, 1997.
[3] BELL, IAN F.A. Critic As scientist: The Modernist Poetic of Ezra Pound[M]. Methuen, London and New York, 1981
[4] AIMIN, CHENG. Reading American Literature,Nanjing, 1996
[5] CARPENTER, HUMPHERY. A Serious Character: The Life of Ezra Pound[M]. Houghton Miffiin Company, Boston, 1988
[6] Elder, Bruce. The Films of Stan Brakhage in the American Tradition of Ezra Pound, Gertrude Stein and Charles Olson[J]. Wilfrid Laurier University Pre ss, 1998. .
.Ed. Patrick McGuinness. New York: Routledge, 2003.
[8] EZRA POUND. Poems and Translations[M].Library of America/Literary Classics of the United States, Inc., 2003.
.in Ira B. Nadel (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Ezra Pound, 1999, Cambridge University Press
[10] 王貴明.中國古典詩歌美學與龐德現代主義詩學[J].北京理工大學學報(社會科學版)2004,(6).
標題: 英語隱喻漢譯
(On Translating English Metaphors into Chinese)
1) 本選題國內外研究現狀
對隱喻的研究在國外已形成較為完整的體系,其中以Lakoff & Johnson (1987)的研究最具有代表性,而對于其漢譯的研究卻鳳毛麟角。國內對于隱喻的研究主要受Lakoff & Johnson理論的影響,其中以胡壯麟、朱永生為主要代表。在隱喻翻譯的研究方面,李國南(1990),胡文仲(1994)對于英漢成語或諺語中的習用性比喻的喻體進行過比較,并探討了其翻譯的途經。在近期出版的刊物中有對隊喻翻譯研究方面的文章,其中以徐莉娜的《隱喻的翻譯》為主要代表。但其研究的范圍也只是局限于文學、修辭用語的隱喻翻譯。
1. 引言
2. 英語日常用語中隱喻存在的普遍性
2.1 隱喻的定義
2.2 關于隱喻研究的常用書語
2.3 英語日常用語中的隱喻
3. 英語日常用語中隱喻的特點
3.1 日常用語中隱喻的分類
3.1.1 習用語
3.1.2 新生隱喻
3.2 英語隱喻與漢語隱喻
3.3 英語日常用語中隱喻的可譯性
4. 英語日常用語中的隱譯漢譯
4.1 翻譯的標準
4.2 日常用語中隱喻漢譯的難點
4.3 日常用語中隱語漢譯的過程
4.4 日常用語中隱喻漢譯的基本方法及原則
5. 日常用語中隱喻漢譯的方法與技巧
5.1 直譯法
5.2 意譯法
5.3 轉譯法
5.4 直譯和意譯結合法
4) 參考書目
Brodkey, Linda. Review: The Language in Metaphors. ( College English Jan, v50 pp 89-94), 1988.
Jin Di & Eugene, A. Nida. On Translation. Beijing: China Translation Publishing Company, 1984.
Lakoff, G. & Johnson, M. Metaphors We Live by Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1987.
Nida, Eugene A. & William, Reyburn. Meaning Across Cultures, Maryknoll of N.Y. Orbis Book, 1981.
陳宏薇 《新實用漢譯英教程》,武漢:湖北教育出版社,1996。
陳文伯 《英語成語和漢語成語》,北京:外語教學與研究出版社,1980。
原譯:Analysis of Problem and Countermeasures of Farmland Protection in Si Ping City
改譯:Problem and Countermeasures of Farmland Protection in Si Ping City
譯文:... is influenced by farmers’ degree of education,age,labor resource status.
原譯;but the resulting contradiction between people and land ...
改譯:but the resulting conflict between people and land...
例如:In Urumqi as an example ...
改譯:Taking Urumqi as an example...
原譯:A great deal transformation of agricultural land into urban land, to the national food security problems and the protection of the ecological environment cause great pressure.
改譯:A great deal transformation ...brings great pressure to the national food security...
二、 論文寫作要求:
2、字數要求不低于3000個單詞或字, 統一采用A4(210x297mm)頁面復印紙單面打印.其中上邊距2.8cm,下面距2.5cm,左邊距2.5cm,右邊距2.5cm,頁眉1.6cm頁腳1.5cm裝訂線0.5cm.字間距為標準,行間距為1.25倍行距.頁眉內統一為:用5號宋體
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三、 論文選題方向:
四、 論文設計與擬定的程序:1、指導教師的幫助下,根據本指導書提供的選題范圍,從中選擇論文方向,確定題目。(注:選擇其他的題目,需與指導教師商議確定)
2、 搜尋與本人論文題目相關的資料,文獻,形成論文大綱,注意論文結構安排的合理性。
3、 論文結構:包括題目,中英文摘要和關鍵詞,目錄和正文. 詳見后面附件
1. 《商務英語課程設置的探討》
2. 《跨文化因素對英漢翻譯的影響》
3. 《商務英語的特點及翻譯技巧》
4. 《商務英語函電在對外貿易中的作用》
5. 《單證員在國際貿易中的地位》
6. 《商務英語函電翻譯技巧》
7. 《商務談判中英語的重要性》
8. 《淺談出口結匯風險的防范》
9. 《中國退稅制度的改革及其影響》
10. 《商標名稱的翻譯與策略》
11. 《外貿企業信用風險管理與控制》
12. 《2007年外資銀行在我國本土注冊探討》
13. 《我國利用國際貸款/國際援助現狀分析》
14. 《WTO與我國反傾銷探討》
15. 《我國對外直接投資之現狀》
16. 《內陸地區對外貿易發展策略研究》
17. 《中印兩國兩國對外貿易戰略分析》
18. 《人民幣升值對我國出口貿易的影響》
19. 《淺談商務英語寫作時避免修飾語錯位的方法》
20. 《商務函電翻譯的用詞技巧》
21. 《外商直接在華投資探討》
22. 《社會文化遷移對中國式英語的影響》
23. 《我國外貿出口品牌戰略的實施與研究》
24. 《商務英語專業口語課程教學探討》
25. 《入世對我國農產品貿易的影響與對策研究》
26. 《應對經濟全球化,加快我國企業跨國經營》
27. 《英語寫作中常見中式英語分析》
28. 《入世商務英語寫作的研究》
29. 《制單工作在國際結算中的地位》
30. 《關稅壁壘與非關稅壁壘探討》
31. 《淺談實質利益談判法》
32. 《國際電子商務發展面臨的新問題》
33. 《商務英語寫作中的錯誤與商務英語寫作教學之間的關系》
34. 《清算所在期貨市場上的地位》
35. 《跨國公司在華擴張模式透析》
36. 《漢譯英中遇到新詞語的譯法問題》
37. 英漢互譯中詞義的不對應(文化意義、風格意義、修辭意義等)
38. 我國市場經濟國家地位與反傾銷
39. 如何防范信用證詐騙
40. 我國中小企業開拓國際市場之探討
41. "10+1"自由貿易區未來前景展望
42. 漢語中新詞匯的翻譯技巧
43. 商務英語的特征與翻譯
44. 珠江三角洲外貿現狀及存在的問題
45. 南昌現利用外資縱談
46. 廣州/深圳等地區三資企業結構分析
47. 淺談廣州等地區外貿企業的困境與出路
48. 淺談廣州等地區出口產品結構的市場分布
49. 商務英語專業畢業生就業崗位之探討
50. 單證員跟單員等資格證書現狀思考
51. 禮儀在商務談判中的作用
52. 跨國公司的本土化經營戰略及其實施
53. 中國在亞洲區域合作中的地位和作用
54. 延長我國加工貿易國內價值鏈問題探析
55. 中國貿易的現狀和前景
56. 我國西部地區引進外資問題研究
57. 人民幣業務對外開放之探討
58. 淺談涉外合同英語特色
59. 海外投資與出口貿易的相互關系
60. 文化和地理因素對外商在中國直接投資的影響
61. 綠色壁壘對關稅壁壘的替代效應研究
62. 新貿易保護主義的政策調整與我國貿易發展
63. 貿易磨檫及其解決機制研究
64. UCP600-信用證領域的新規則探討
65. 論<<聯合國國際貨物銷售合同公約>>的適用范圍及總則
66. 淺談<<聯合國國際貨物銷售合同公約>>下賣方的知識產權擔保義務
67. 我國紡織業出口競爭秩序現狀分析與對策探討
68. 淺談來料加工與進料加工的利弊
69. 經紀傭金商或場內經紀人在期貨交易中的地位
70. 淺談商檢證書在國際貿易中的作用
附件2 開題報告格式
題目名稱: 中國家庭企業管理創新研究
題目性質: 研究論文
學生姓名: XXX
專 業: 工商管理
學 院: XXXX
年 級: 04級
指導教師: XXX
一、 選題背景
3、學生選題(2006.11.20---12. 15)
4、落實任務(學生與導師見面,交電子郵箱地址)(2006.12. 1---12. 25)
6、中期論文檢查(交電子稿) (2007.4月1日前)
[中圖分類號]G642.4 [文獻標識碼]A [文章編號]1009-5349(2012)02-0195-02