時間:2023-06-27 09:38:20
本單元的中心話題是“音樂”。warming-up部分呈現了八幅圖片,分別代表八種為大眾所熟悉的音樂形式,即古典音樂、搖滾樂、管弦樂、說唱樂、民族音樂、爵士樂、鄉村音樂和合唱音樂,并要求學生“聽音樂匹配各種音樂類型”。兩篇閱讀文章分別介紹了美國門基樂隊(the Monkees)的成長過程和虛擬“人物”弗雷迪與他的樂隊——兩篇課文講的都是樂隊,沒有介紹任何音樂流派和音樂家等信息,與warming-up的相關性不大。
基于以上兩個因素,筆者對教材warming-up部分所呈現的音樂形式作了調整,試圖引導學生進一步走近這些音樂形式,了解它們各自的特點,而不僅僅是學習幾個對應的英語單詞。同時,根據本單元的主題,筆者對整個單元的任務進行了重組,打算結合“練習冊”(workbook)中的“聽力”(listening)和單元后的“趣味閱讀”(reading for fun),上一節聽說課。本節課的教學目標為:
(2)能夠運用句式I (don’t) enjoy/appreciate/understand that kind of music because .../I find that if I listen to classical/pop music I feel ...談論自己喜歡的音樂。
(3)能夠聽懂聽力材料中“莫扎特效應”(Mozart effect)的內涵并提高聽中記錄關鍵詞、聽后組織主旨大意的能力。
1. 導入
(1)Do you like the song? What is the name of the song? (你喜歡這首歌曲嗎?這首曲子的名稱是什么?)
(2)What else do you know about the song? (你對這首曲子了解什么?)
(3)This is where we are going to adventure today — the world of music. Besides folk music, what other styles of music do you know? (我們今天要進行一場音樂的旅行。除了民族音樂,你們還了解什么其他的音樂形式?)
2. 猜謎游戲
(1)It was born in the US around 1890, which was sung by black people and it roots in Africa. (產生于1890年,由非洲黑人傳到美國。)
(2)Strictly defined, it means music produced in the Western world between 1750 and 1820. Works by Mozart are very typical of this music. (嚴格定義,以莫扎特為代表之一的1750-1820年這一段時間的歐洲主流音樂。)
(3)It’s a kind of traditional music from a particular country, region or community.(典型的地域性的音樂形式。)
(4)The words of a song are not sung, but spoken in time to music with a steady beat. It also means “Hip-Hop”. (以在機械的節奏聲的背景下,快速地訴說一連串押韻的詞句為特征的音樂形式,又稱為Hip-Hop。)
(5)It was popular in the 1950s, and has very loud sound with strong beat.(流行于20世紀50年代,并有強有力的節拍。)
(6)Type of music that comes from the folk music of the southern and western US.(美國南部和西部典型的音樂形式。)
(7)It is traditionally a Christmas song, which is often sung in the church on Christmas Day. (源于西方圣誕節時教堂眾人合唱頌歌。)
3. 聽樂曲片段判斷音樂類型
筆者讓學生聽一些樂曲片段,并要求學生判斷聽到的音樂屬于哪種類型。(Now you are going to listen to some pieces of music. Can you recognize what kind of music they belong to? )
4. 認識各種音樂形式的樂器特點和著名音樂人
筆者讓學生說說各音樂類型的樂器特點以及著名音樂人。(Can you just say something more about those kinds of music, including the typical musical instruments and famous musicians? )
(1)Hard rock is a form of loud, aggressive rock music. The electric guitar is often emphasized, with the bass and drum. Guns N’ Roses is a very successful hard rock band in America, which has brought a lot of influence in the development of hard rock. (重金屬搖滾樂是一種大聲、帶侵略性的搖滾音樂。電吉他、貝斯和鼓是重金屬音樂中常見的樂器形式。美國著名樂隊“槍炮與玫瑰”紅極一時,并為重金屬搖滾樂的發展帶來很大影響。)
(2)Saxphones and trumpets are usually employed in jazz. The music style comes from blues. Louis Armstrong, the trumpetist, is called father of jazz. (爵士樂中經常運用小號和薩克斯來進行演奏。布魯斯是其前身。音樂人路易斯·阿姆斯特朗被稱為爵士之父。)
(3)Classical music: Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven are three famous musicians.(古典音樂三位最著名的作曲家是海頓、莫扎特和貝多芬。)
(4)Country music: Guitar is often used in country music. Take Me Home, Country Road by John Denvor is a famous piece of country music. (美國鄉村音樂的典型樂器是吉他。約翰·丹佛是美國老牌的鄉村歌手,“鄉村音樂的代名詞”。其代表作《鄉村路帶我回家》是著名的鄉村音樂歌曲。)
(5)Rap comes from America. It is now very popular among youth, even in China.(說唱音樂來自美國,在年輕人中廣受歡迎,在中國也有不少樂迷。)
(6)Choral is now widely seen on TV and in life, especially for celebration. There can be no musical instruments in the music form. In our school, there is a choral competition every year in May. (合唱現廣泛見于電視和生活。該音樂形式可以沒有樂器伴奏。在我們學校,每年五月也有一次合唱比賽。)
(7)Folk music or folk song has a long history in China. Chinese traditional musical instruments are used in the form of music, like flute, Erhu. And there are a few songs that are familiar to us. (中國民樂或民歌已經有較長的歷史。通常采用中國古典樂器,如笛子、二胡等。也有一些中國民歌耳熟能詳,比如《太陽出來喜洋洋》《茉莉花》等。)
5. 小組對話討論個人喜歡的音樂類型
筆者要求學生組成四人小組,運用上面學到的知識組織對話(Which of the above kinds of music do you prefer/hate? And why?),討論時可以用上以下句型:
(1)I prefer/hate classical music because it makes me feel calm/relaxed/ ...
(2)If I’m worried/frightened/concerned about ...I prefer to listen to ...
(3)I (don’t) enjoy/appreciate/understand that kind of music because ...
(4)I find that if I listen to classical/pop music I feel ...
(5)I attach great importance to ...
6. 討論音樂的作用
筆者讓學生討論音樂的功能:Music has a function of exciting or relaxing people. But what other functions do you think music has?(音樂除了使人興奮或放松外,還有什么作用?)
(1)Music is an easy means of communication among cultures.
(2)Music can be a bridge to understanding a language and a person.
(3)Music is a motivational tool for learning another language.
(4)Music helps let out the composer’s feelings or attitudes towards the world.
筆者追問:It is said that music helps improve your memory. Do you believe that? Let’s listen to the tape to see how it happens.(據說音樂可以提高人的記憶。你相信嗎?我們來聽一段錄音,看看究竟是怎么回事。)
聽力材料(The “Mozart effect”)原文如下:
Do you worry about exams? Of course , everyone does. Do you find it difficult to remember what you study? Well, everybody has trouble remembering things from time to time. Do you know music can help you remember things better?
Scientists have shown that if you listen to classical music and especially Mozart while you are studying, it helps your memory. It is called the “Mozart effect”. It would be useful to know if the “Mozart effect” works with all kinds of music. Certainly scientists have done some experiments to find out.
They have tried playing other kinds of music (such as pop music) while students are studying, but it doesn’t work. It seems that the regular rhythms of classical music help develop one’s memory. However, this improvement only lasts for a short time. If you want to improve your intelligence, what should you do? Scientists think that learning a musical instrument is helpful, especially for improving maths skills. This is because maths and music both use the same part of the brain. So if you want to be good at maths, perhaps you should go to a music class!
【Task 1】 Listen to the tape, and write down what the “Mozart effect” means to you.
Classical music, especially Mozart, helps improve your memory.
【Task 2】 Listen to the tape again, and decide whether the statements are true or false.
(1)Listening to classical music improves your memory.(T)
(2)The “Mozart effect” means listening to Mozart’s music.(F)
(3)To improve your long term memory you need to study maths.(F)
(4)Scientists think the Mozart effect works with all kinds of music.(F)
(5)Listening to music makes you more intelligent.(F)
【Task 3】 Talking after listening
(1)Do yo believe in the “Mozart effect”? Why or why not?(你相信“莫扎特效應”嗎?為什么?)
(2)Have you experienced it? Give an example.(請給一個例子說明你的經歷。)
(3)Do you think it works with other kinds of music such as pop music? Give reasons. (你認為其他音樂形式如流行音樂有這樣的作用嗎?為什么?)
7. 創作一首五行詩來描述音樂
______, ______ (形容詞)
______, ______, ______ (動詞ing)
______, ______, ______, _______ (單詞)
_________ (單詞)
8. 趣味閱讀(結課)
(1)Stick to it and stay with what is true in your heart. Music is fun, and is for your spirit! Try many different styles of music, and always remember that music will never be a waste of your time.
(Robin Spielberg)
(2)I have never thought of writing for reputation and honour. What I have in my heart must come out; that is the reason why I compose.
(Ludwig Van Beethoven)
(3)Without music, life is a journey through a desert.
(Pat Conroy)